Real Estate Blog 

There is much to know in the real estate investing world. We have provided in depth information to get you started on your investment journey. 

Getting Started in Real Estate Investing invest passive real estate

The great thing about real estate is it offers so many different opportunities to invest. You can go big, or you can go small. You can be active, or you can be passive. You can invest on your own, or you can partner. And then there is a wide variety of different property types to invest in. You can ...

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Why Passive Investors enjoy Multi-Family partnerships invest passive real estate

Of all the ways to passively invest in real estate there is one asset that stands above all the others. Multi-Family Apartments is that asset. Apartments are the best asset to invest in for passive investors for some great reasons.

Everyone needs a place to live

This one is self-explanatory, yet I...

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Understanding the K-1 real estate taxes

If you have ever talked to a lead investor on a real estate deal you will likely hear the term K-1 used. You might hear “our limited partners will have some potential tax benefits; every investor gets a K-1”. That sounds great and all, but you might be asking “what is a K-1?”

A K-1 (Schedule K-1), ...

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Syndications Explained invest real estate

I remember the first time I heard the word syndication in real estate. I was a 23-year-old newbie agent. I thought syndications were illegal…oops. In the movies you hear of crime syndicates. The young naïve me in my early 20’s starting out as a real estate Agent, I didn’t know any different. Luckily...

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Blockchain Real Estate Welcome the STO blockchain real estate

Bitcoin started it all. And as it gained exposure, there were more blockchains and coins to follow. Most people focus their attention on the coins, and if there is a rapid rise in the price. What most people do not think about is the underlying technology that exists, and which is what is really cha...

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What is NOI? invest real estate

Real Estate investing has a very long list of terms you need to know. And it seems like there are more abbreviations than you can count. One of the most important terms you need to know in real estate investing is the NOI, or the Net Operating Income.

The NOI is the result of calculating all the in...

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Afraid to start investing? Do this... invest

Investing in real estate can be a bit overwhelming to get started.

There can be a lot of pieces to get started with.

There is also the risk that comes with all investing.

One way you can overcome this is by finding an experienced partner you can trust and investing your capital with them.


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Have you set a goal? goals real estate

Real Estate investing is a dream that millions upon millions of people have. Many people dream of having income coming in every month or every quarter. This income might allow them to quit their job, fund their retirement or allow them to accomplish a number of different things. The sad reality as t...

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Want to Earn Passive Income? passive real estate

Are you interested in earning passive income but do not know where to start? I created a 1 hour masterclass discussing the best way to get started earning passive income with real estate. To watch this video, just follow the link to our Learning Center

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Investing with Retirement Accounts

Investing with Retirement Accounts


Did you know that you can invest passively in real estate using certain retirement accounts? There are currently two great ways you can grow your retirement account with real estate. The best part? It can be tax free.

The most common way to do this is with a S...

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What is an Accredited Investor? accredited invest real estate

An accredited investor is a term developed by the SEC. More than a definition, it is a criteria. An accredited investor is a person or entity that is allowed to invest in private securities. Private Securities are not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). These private securi...

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The Four Rates of Returns You Will See Most invest real estate

In commercial real estate investing you will run across a lot of terms and abbreviations. We want to share the most common you will see.

Cap Rate

A cap rate is also known as a capitalization rate. This is probably the most common real estate term you will see when looking for properties. The easie...

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