Chris Lesak Speaks at Blockchain Real Estate Summit

blackhawk blockchain real estate tokenization

On September 10th, 2021 I spoke at the Blockchain Real Estate Summit in Austin Texas. I felt this was a very important conference because the way real estate will be bought and sold is changing very fast because of Blockchain technology. With the use of smart contracts, real estate is being transacted in a totally different way. At Blackhawk Equity we are not using blockchain yet, but are uniquely positioned to start when our investors are ready. As I discuss in the video, we have done all the research and leg work and can literally start a blockchain tokenization product with a days notice.  To watch the video click the link.


If you have a blockchain project I would be glad to speak with you about it. Just use the contact form and I will get in touch with you. I may be able to save you a lot of time and money!

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